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iquitos, Peru

Permaculture Program

Our ecosystem

At Sacred Rebels Recovery, our permaculture programs incorporate regenerative agriculture with our recovery methodologies to enhance the efficacy of our programs and drive efforts to unify the health and wellbeing of those in our care with that of the earth.

Permaculture is an approach to land management and environmental design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems.

This philosophy can be applied to our approach to healing and recovery as well. 

When visitors arrive on our permaculture farm, they are greeted with the natural elements that are thriving in their holistic environments. They are invited to participate in our permaculture programs in Iquitos, Peru to experience working with the plants that both feed and heal our bodies.

Just as we tend to the plants, we also tend to our own healing and the healing journey of our visitors. Our healing as humans, whether we are healing from trauma, every stress, chronic addiction, or all of the above, relies on having a stable and nourishing environment.

One size fits all does not apply to our permaculture program, and the same goes to our approach to healing.

In addition to the role of permaculture as a core tenet of our lifestyle and recovery philosophy, the plants grown on our land serve the larger community, bringing sustenance to those in need and allowing us to give back to the community we call home.

The Center

Our community

Beyond agriculture, our permaculture philosophy extends to the ecological engineering, sustainable architecture, and construction of our facilities. We partner with the community of Nihue Rao to establish food share programs & develop better access to fresh water through the construction of water towers in the neighboring village of Llanchama.

We are employing local community members to be involved in the development and design of the project in order to create more accessibility to necessary food sources that will be available for future generations.